Advice, All Members, COVID-19
Government Covid-19 Announcement Sunday 10th May This evening the Prime Minister announced what he described as the Government’s plans for handling the “next phase” of the Covid-19 pandemic and a set of options for England. Key employment points of his announcement...
Advice, All Members, COVID-19
COVID-19: Updated Guidance On Furlough The Government has confirmed that employees can start a new job if they have been furloughed. This means that potentially, an individual can earn 80% of a salary from an existing, furloughed job and 100% of a salary from a new...
Advice, All Members, COVID-19
COVID-19: What’s ‘Furlough’ and the ‘Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme’? The Government has introduced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, under which all UK employers will be able to access grants to continue paying part of their employees’ salaries, for employees...
Advice, All Members, COVID-19
COVID-19: Should You Be Going To Work? All our advice on the key issues can be found on the COVID-19 Advice Hub section of our website, which can be viewed here. Following the PM’s announcement on Monday 23rd March about staying at home (click here for the...
Advice, All Members, COVID-19
COVID-19: Schools Refusing To Accept Key Worker Children We’ve received numerous calls from members who have been told by schools that, in their opinion, the members are not key workers, or they don’t qualify for school childcare because only one parent is a key...