Call Me The Grinch!

Call Me The Grinch! It’s the season of the work Christmas party, but at the risk of being accused of being Christmas kill-joys, here’s why we think you should think twice before you go. Every January, we receive calls from members being investigated for their alleged...

Do You Use WhatsApp At Work?

Do You Use WhatsApp At Work? Using WhatsApp and similar messaging services for work is now commonplace but can lead to significant problems. If you use WhatsApp at work, this newsletter contains essential advice. WhatsApp is really useful for sending quick messages,...

We Don’t Give Up!

We Don’t Give Up! Members could be forgiven for thinking that our work is just about disciplinary cases and grievances at work. It’s true that these two areas produce most of our work; but only just! Affinity recently won a claim in the County Court for a member who...

Protecting Academic Freedom: A Major Success

Protecting Academic Freedom: A Major Success Affinity has won a complex grievance against a major university which sought to restrict one of its staff from undertaking a research project based on an unjustifiable objection to an element of the research. For reasons...

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