Betting Shop Violence Survey

Betting Shop Staff

One of the striking things about the betting industry is the apparent disregard for staff welfare shown week in, week out by senior management in the chains.

Now, I’m not saying that most line managers think that way but there seems to me to be no doubt that the cultural norm is that staff should ‘just get on with it and not complain’.

The end result is that unacceptable customer behaviours and problematic environments are tolerated, provided income is not put at risk and the Gambling Commission is not likely to become involved.

The losers in that situation are the staff who have to front up the betting shops’ operations and deal with often aggressive and potentially violent customers, with the ever-present threat that threats will become reality, potentially after staff leave work.

We aim to change the environment in which staff work in ways that balance the interests of the betting shop chains with the need to protect staff.

The first step here is to amass the evidence of what goes on in shops on a daily basis and your help completing this survey would be greatly appreciated. It shouldn’t take long but if you want to give more information or to discuss any issues in detail you can email us confidentially at

Click here to complete the survey.

Thanks for your assistance.

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