Recording Meetings – Lloyds Behaving Like Big Brother
According to an article in This Is Money, an anonymous member of staff has accused Lloyds of behaving like Big Brother. This was in response to the Bank’s new policy of recording staff interviews with customers. According to this member of staff, conversations with customers have become robotic because staff are frightened of saying the wrong thing and it being recorded.
A few months ago the Bank started recording all Personal Banking Assistants’ (PBAs) and Mortgage And Protection Advisers’ (MPAs) interviews with customers. Line Managers can review the recordings within an hour of interviews finishing.
The Bank argues that recording the meetings protects staff from complaints by customers. But we’re concerned the real reason is that the Bank wants to use the recordings to check whether MPAs and PBAs are pushing sales hard enough.
In December 2013 the FCA fined Lloyds over £28million; the FCA said this was for “serious failings in their controls over sales incentive schemes”.