We took 25,983 phone calls from members last year.

We supported over 2,600 members in formal cases last year.


Security At Work

Job insecurity, unfair treatment over pay and working conditions, excessive working hours, problems getting time off, discrimination, harassment, bullying: the list of potential problems at work is endless and most people have no one to turn to for help.

Affinity offers its members the advice, support and where necessary the protection they need to get a fair deal at work.

We’ll help you with any work-related problem, guiding you through the minefield that is the modern workplace, ensuring your legal rights are protected and giving practical advice on how you can lift the pressure of the sort of problems that most of us face during our careers. We’ll represent you in any grievance or disciplinary procedures, and if necessary present your case at the Employment Tribunal.


Thinking of joining?

Leading employment law barrister Daniel Barnett has a piece of advice for you.

Listen to the below clip from Daniel’s recent appearance on Nick Ferrari’s LBC radio show.


Our members are represented by an independent trade union committed to protecting their interests and their interests alone.


To join Affinity and gain access to all our services call us now on 01234 716005 or click this text and submit the short form you’ll be taken to.


Information when you need it most. Today’s workplace is a rapidly changing environment and you need authoritative, up-to-date information. Most importantly you need information you can rely on.

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